Breaking news...

July 29, 2008

You can now "enrich someone's life" by giving him or her a Hallmark card graced with images of Bart Simpson and Alvin and the Chipmunks!

From Brandweek: Hallmark Cards has signed a deal with Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising that will give the card company access to more than 50 years worth of film and TV icons. Hallmark will use visual images and audio sound bites to expand its humorous "Turn Up The Funny" line, which currently stars characters from The Simpsons as well as comedian Chris Rock.

"We are now able to create new ways for millions of people to celebrate important occasions with their favorite entertainment which aligns with our company's purpose of enriching lives," Karen Mitchell-Layton, vp-licensing at Hallmark Kansas City, Mo., said in a statement.

If you're wondering how to really make a difference, now you know.

If you're wondering where you can get yourself one of these rare, soon-to-be-collectible goodies, you shouldn't be here.

PS. It was quite difficult to find an tasteful image of Alvin or Bart to include. I opt, instead, to show you a genuinely humorous use of chipmunks...

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