do good things | Blog Action Day 08 - Poverty

October 15, 2008

I'm a firm believer that businesses (not matter how small) have the unique ability to facilitate change. And as business owners, we make decisions every day that have the potential to make a difference the world around us.

Whether it's deciding what what type of paper and ink to use, giving extra art materials to a local school, donating profits to an organization, or simply using a particluar medium to become an advocate for a worthy cause, the choices business owners make have the ability to effect more than just the bottom line.

In honor of Blog Action Day 2008, I would like to celebrate the small business owners who are doing their part to help put an end to poverty.

Let me start with Greyston Bakery in Yonkers, NY. Their mission simply stated, "We don't hire people to bake brownies. We bake brownies to hire people." Watch their video at GOOD. Visit their website to purchase a DoGoodie Brownie or their Greystone Bakery cookbook. And take action with your wallet.

If you know of another small business you'd like to recognize, talk about it, blog about it, tweet about it, or let me know and I'll add them right here.

Thanks Melissa, for reminding me about Sylvan Beach. It's a local Baltimore company and their mission and their ice cream are fantastic.

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