DIY with kids | photo letters for dad

December 20, 2008

I usually try to give my husband something crafty from the kids for holidays. Here's a gift from Father's Day (the year before last) that's still a favorite. It's easy, inexpensive and the results are so incredibly sweet.

Poster paper (one sheet for each letter)
Kids (number varies)
Wide picture frame

Cut out letters using a full-sized sheet of poster paper and hand them off to the kids.
Take as many shots as you can (vertical works best) and stop only when you've got a bunch of photos for each letter (or someone cries and tries to eat the paper).

Find your favorites and pop them into a frame. I printed them out as 4x6 inch photos and put them into a long Ribba frame from Ikea.

I don't have a photograph of the final framed product because it's at Brian's office but here's a small, digital version:

I was as much fun as it looks.


AKA Delaney said...

I stinkin' love this idea- thank you for posting! It's perfect for my husband who doesn't want me to buy him anything!

Merrily Down the Stream said...

It is fab! Going to do it.

Très Sucré said...

That is seriously one of the cutest ideas I have ever seen! I wish I was reading this blog a week ago, instead of 3 days before Christmas!!!! Maybe for his birthday!

vicki said...

Isn't it the sweetest? And look at how young they were!

I know. I know. I'm so last minute with posting (always) but that's because I wait until the last minute to do everything! That seems to be when my brain works best :)

There's totally still time left. I know you can do it! I'm STILL working on this year's plan...

Heather | Cookie Mondays said...

I LOVE that!

patricia zapata said...

This is such a great idea!!!

Julie said...

What a super cute idea!

Gretchen said...

Oh I am so going to do this for my hubby. Great idea!!!

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